Special giveaway of 3 limited edition coloured vinyl records of the upcoming WIZZARD release, "Ninya Warrior - The Anthology". The compilation is coming out by No Remorse Records on October 6th, at Keep It True Rising 3, where the Swedish band will perform their exclusive first reunion show!

The winners will pick their copies at the festival, at the No Remorse Records shop. Please note that this release is not even available at No Remorse Records for pre-order (it will go online around a month before release date) so these 3 people are the first ones who will secure a copy in advance!
All you have to do is order a ticket for KIT RISING 3 till August 15th, 2023. All online orders that have already been placed also take part in the giveaway, including those via the Posthalle/Reservix link. If you bought the ticket on the festival, please send us a message on our KIT facebook page to participate. Here are the two links for ticket orders, you save the advance booking fee directly with us and you will receive a hard ticket. We will announce the winners after August 15th, 2023. Good luck!!